Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Problem

Here's the problem in a nutshell:

  • Real-world scenes contain light ranges that exceed a 50,000:1 dynamic range.

  • For over a thousand years, media has been limited to around a 300:1 dynamic range.

  • So you have a mapping issue: how do you represent light values in a scene using a much more limited set of light values for a particular media?

If you are not careful, you end up with results like this:

You can see the chair but nothing out of the window.

(Fyi:I did not right this)

Sunday, December 7, 2008





   "Photo is a small voice, at best, but sometimes - just sometimes - one photograph or a group of them can lure our senses into awareness. Much depends upon the viewer; in some, photographs can summon enough emotion to be a catalyst to thought."  ~W. Eugene Smith


        Photography has a huge impact on today's world. It's everywhere, on almost every thing. Pictures shape our lives in many ways. In our world we depend on pictures more then we realize. Without it we would know almost nothing about the world. Things would be much different .We use pictures to show the world things they can't be there to see. War, other places, outer space things happing all over the world. It's everywhere .On our posters, in magazines, on billboards, newspapers you name it.  It's also an art or curer for some people. Capturing the world to tell a story to the world.


      Over the years photography and cameras taken big steps in changing. Look at the old cameras they were big heavy boxy things. It took days to develop your photos and all the bad comical they had to use. Some of the first documentary photography started in New York, to show that something needed to be done about the homeless starving children and workers. Photography has and always will have a story to tell. And it's true when you hear that a picture can say a thousand words. World war two, the great depression, we get to see the past long after it's over with the help of photography.

      Today some of the biggest companies involved with photography are Canon, Kodak, photo sharing site like Photobucket, DeavintArt, and Flicker. Many of these companies/websites are making jobs in the field of photography more available. But with them selling cameras left and right anyone can take pictures. It's not  a bad thing but then any one can cll them self a photographer,which makes it hard to find a good paying job.

       The art of ICT in photography is everywhere now. The internet has made in posable for anyone to shear their work. It also has made the art of photography a bit dimer in a way. If you think about it most people take photos of them selfs, friends , and anything else they think is cool.   So the art is slowly growing smaller. 

(Ok if you really read this I know there are some things I spelled wrong so sorry about that)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Photography in todays world

By Ted Burns

After the invention and popularity gained by photography through a simple box we call a camera, there was an unavoidable rush into mass producing photo prints. But it did not take place over night. With the arrival of cameras, our lives have been indelibly changed, as now we are capable of recording for posterity personal histories and our progress (or regression!) over the course of decades.

It is said that each picture speaks for itself and that a picture is worth a thousand words. For example, snapshots and film taken in the midst of war and political turmoil have a great impact on people around the world. Additionally, the very concept of privacy has been challenged and altered with the recording of public figures as well as the average "Joe" on the street. Cameras are used to capture almost any type of event, including as proof of events that might otherwise be dismissed with skepticism. (Consider, for example, crimes captured on film but nowhere else.)

Art of Photography

The view of photography as an art form had little popularity in its infancy. The value of pictures was perceived as more for pragmatic usage than to capture beauty. This "newcomer" was challenged by people with an artistic bent, as well as by critics from around the world. The benefits to be derived from photography would be for its craft value, and little more.

Removing the Restrictions

Acceptance constraints on photographers were gradually stripped away when museums and art schools embraced photography as a legitimate form of art; the trend still exists today. They began to dismiss strict and narrow limitations established by the norms of the culture and made headway into the usage of this emerging art for aesthetic acceptance and documentary work. In the decade of the 1960's, photography had made significant inroads to the world of visual arts. Since then, the art of photography has been combined with other creative means of expression, such as computer imagery and as part of mixed media.

Application of Photography

On a practical level, photography has many niches. It is used as an important tool in quite a number of fields such as military activities, education, commerce, medicine, and more. The realm of science has been a beneficiary of photography as well. It can be used for aerial maps of geographical terrains, geology, meteorology and other important fields of endeavor.

New Digital Era

As the 21st century arrived, photographic images were able to be altered through digital imaging software packages. The introduction of digital photography changed the very nature of photography. The standard method of taking pictures was to pass light through a lens and an emulsifying process; color filters and sensors produce the image. Digital photography uses three filter layers for an image. Each only permits one color, such as green or red or blue.

Photography was introduced to the world over 100 years ago and its innovations continue. This helps to give us hope that there are still many more creative uses to come!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Importance of photography

Photography can be very deceiving, and can skew reality. It is our job to minimize the natural distortions that occur when we convert a three dimensional world onto a flat piece of paper. There are always issues of perspective - the perception of an object being smaller because it is further away. Many things can influence the problems that perspective can have on a photograph. If you stand very far away from an object and use a telephoto lens, the object may be the exact same size on the page as if you stood right in front of it with a wide angle lens. However, the surrounding environment can appear completely different. See this graphic to help illustrate the concept. Since this can dramatically affect the way the object is perceived as fitting into its environment, it is very important to use the most representative focal length and carefully select the place from which the photograph is taken - the viewpoint.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Photo sharing sites

Today as we all know we upload photos to the internet and photo sharing sites. It's easer to show the world your work. It also makes it easer to see what is going in the world.

I site I like the most is DeaiantART.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Friday, November 14, 2008

old cameras

The basis for this collection was cameras, which were used by my family, a German, Glunz (Glunz, Hannover, Germany) plate camera and a Justophot "exposure meter", one Kodak Brownie, Dacora Digna, an old Ernemann Bob, my fathers old Praktica FX and my first SLR, Asahi Pentax Spotmatic.
About thirty years ago I started ferreting rummage sales, accepted and bought anything, which looked like a camera and had serious discussions with my loved wife.
Soon it was time to figure out what I am going to do with my cameras. Internet gave me an idea, why not build a virtual camera museum, and that was it.

Today the number is over 200 old cameras, their specifications, pictures and descriptions. Most of them, are not so called "collectibles" but I hope that on some page you will find the information that you are looking for.The prime goal of this collection is to present and preserve an example of a broad range of cameras and to to give a visitor an entertaining and rewarding trip to the world of the photography before bits and bytes.